The "Digital Twin" is a digital representation of a building, structure or infrastructure, which enables the simulation and analysis of the building's behavior under different environmental and usage conditions.

3D Model of Quadra project, SPa
The DT is created using technologies such as 3D modeling, laser scanning, and the Internet of Things (IoT). Once created, the Digital Twin can be used to simulate different situations, such as extreme weather events, emergencies, changes in building use, and to analyze building behavior in terms of energy efficiency and thermal comfort and more generally predict a wide range of things in multiple areas.
For example, the DT can also be used for maintenance and action planning because it allows problems and opportunities to be identified in a timely manner and the necessary interventions to be planned to improve energy efficiency and user comfort.
In addition, the DT can also be used during the design phase to test different solutions and choose the optimal one, in terms of energy efficiency and comfort.
Thus, it can be said that this virtual entity represents a great opportunity for architects and engineers to improve the energy efficiency of buildings and ensure user comfort. Its implementation can help reduce energy costs, increase safety and improve user experience.
What is the useful life of a building?

Joseph Kosuth, One and Three Chairs, 1965, MoMa
The useful life of a building depends on many factors, including the quality of materials used in construction, design, maintenance, and environmental conditions.
In general, masonry or concrete buildings can have a useful life of more than 50 years if properly maintained. Wood buildings usually have a useful life of 30-40 years due to the natural degradation of wood. Prefabricated buildings can have a useful life of 20-30 years.
Regular and timely maintenance is obviously essential to extend the useful life of buildings. For example, timely repair of any structural problems, such as water infiltration or more general moisture problems, can prevent greater damage and extend the so-called useful life of buildings.
In addition, the use of advanced technologies, such as artificial intelligence, can enable greater building energy efficiency and sustainability, helping to extend the useful life of buildings.
In general, the useful life of buildings can vary greatly depending on the factors mentioned above and can be extended through proper maintenance and the use of advanced technologies.

After all, we subject our cars (our movable property) to periodic inspections on a fairly regular basis, and there is no reason why the same should not be done for our real estate. In fact, ideally it would be rather appropriate to give priority to the latter, which have a higher order economic value.
